Amy Gale
“The Stunning Designs of Georg Jensen”
Antiques and the Arts Weekly,
July 29, 2005
“Simple Items from Yesteryear”
Hartford Courant
, June 26, 2009
“Salvaging the Past: Adding Antique House Parts to Your Remodeling Project
Can Lend Patina to Your Home”
Cape Cod & Islands Home,
March 2009
“Maven of Marquetry”
6 (January 2009),
“Alastair Crawford Brings his Collection of Antique Silver to Nantucket”
Cape Cod & Islands Home
(Summer 2008)
“By the Book: Local Dealers Offer Rare Finds in the Book Trade”
Cape Cod & Islands Home
Holiday 2008)
“On the Map: Danielle Junloz and Bob Zaremba Change Careers to Sell Vintage Maps at their Shop in
Cape Cod & Islands Home (Indian Summer 2008)
Dealers & Artists
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